Nories Rooney SK10
If you want to win a Trout Area tournament in high-quality competition in Japan or Europe, you don’t just need to catch a trout, you need to catch it quickly and to catch more of them than your opponent. The Nories Rooney spoon was designed with exactly this intention in mind. Nories Rooney is a popular first-cast spoon that should be used when the trouts are active. In that case, even relatively fast retrieving is sufficient. However, this spoon is very popular even if the fish is inactive, then it is necessary to slow down the retrieving and add a little irregularity to it. The Nories Rooney spoon is one of the best quality trout spoons, also popular in top Japanese tournaments.
Nories ROONEY SK10 Slash White Red
Yellow and gold colors work very well together. That was the reason why we built this limited color on this traditional combination. But we wanted to get more “HITs” from trout so we added two triggers. The white and red border. The contrast of these colors increases the attractiveness of this spoon.